[Herunterladen] 60 Trololol

Trolling someone is making fun of them hating on them or even just annoying them.
Trololol. Trolololol and trololol are used to express laughter from lol after someone successfully trolls another person. You can see why this controversial video has until now been kept vaulted away. It is commonly misunderstood to being just another form of expressing laughter like lol lmao rofl etc but the trololol is only suitable for specific situations involving the act of trolling. я очень рад ведь я наконец возвращаюсь домой. Trololo is a video of the nationally honored russian singer eduard khil aka edward khill edward hill performing the soviet era pop song i am glad cause i m finally returning back home russian. Select from a wide range of models decals meshes plugins or audio that help bring your imagination into reality. Use trololol and thousands of other assets to build an immersive game or experience.
In 1976 the soviet union had perfected a humanoid robot who s primary function was to entertain and overwhelm. Trollololo was a rock troll who was the sole resident and protector of white eagle fort in 1272. ɨdʊˈart ɐnɐˈtolʲjɪvʲɪtɕ ˈxʲilʲ often anglicized as edward hill. For common laughter please use trololo. Eduard anatolyevich khil russian. я очень рад ведь я наконец возвращаюсь домой. Trololol the laugh you do after you troll someone.
Generally the aim is to piss someone off.